Wellspring was founded by Dartmouth students
Wellspring was started by Dartmouth students back in the 1970's as the Dartmouth Christian Fellowship. Because of this, we love to give back to Dartmouth students by serving them and sharing our faith with them.

Rides to our services
Rides to our services leave the back of the Hopkin's Center (semi-circle covered driveway at the back of the Hop ) ten minutes before each service at 9:20 and 10:50 AM. Join the Groupme app for up-to-date messages.

Join the Wellspring GroupMe!
Young Adult & College Ministry

Join us Monday nights for a time of fellowship and connection from 7:00-8:30 p.m. We'll have acoustic worship and small group discussions regarding the intersection of Biblical truth and everyday life to empower us to live the abundant life Christ gives.
Pick-up is at 6:50 behind the HOP and rides back to campus are at 8:30 p.m.
Pick-up is at 6:50 behind the HOP and rides back to campus are at 8:30 p.m.
Wellspring Testimonies
Hear testimonies from Wellspring