Encounter Jesus
We encounter Jesus through our contemporary worship, times of prayer, fellowship, sermons, and Bible study.
Share His Love
We share His love with each other in our friendships, groups, events and outreach to our community.
Transform the World
When we encounter Jesus and share His love we inevitably transform the world in which we live, in our work, home, and everything we do.

At Wellspring Worship Center, you will find a church that:
- Gathers to encounter Jesus through expressive worship, practical Biblical teaching, and warm fellowship.
- Embraces the ministry of the Holy Spirit where God speaks and the gifts of the Spirit are living and active.
- Establishes a welcoming environment where people can grow and thrive and their gifts and talents are developed and put to use.
- Loves and reflects the diversity of the Body of Christ, and recognizes the value of incorporating all ages and abilities into all aspects of church life.
- Cares for people by bringing healing to emotional, spiritual, and physical needs and prays life into people who need hope.
- Models a culture of disciple-making and works toward making disciples of all nations by supporting world missions.
- Promotes unity among churches and provides a training and resource center for churches, Dartmouth students, and other Christians in our area.

Wellspring is a Christian church made up of people from many different backgrounds, united in our love of Jesus and our beliefs in a few, fundamental doctrines:
There is one God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
The Bible
The Bible is God’s timeless message to us and is the authoritative source that teaches us about God and how to live.
Humanity was created in God's image for the purpose of being in relationship with Him, but because of sin (wrongdoing), our right relationship with God was broken, and people became powerless to restore that relationship.
Jesus Christ
The only hope for humanity to be in right relationship with God is to believe in the Savior (rescuer) Jesus Christ, and to accept His role as Lord over their lives. Jesus Christ was born to a virgin (Mary), died to take upon Himself the punishment for the sin of mankind, and rose from the dead. By receiving Him as our Savior and Lord, we are able to live forever in a right relationship with God.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit lives in those who accept Christ’s gift of right relationship. He empowers them with His gifts, and helps them know and love God, and live a life that is pleasing to Him.
The Church
The Christian Church has a unique and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. It is composed of all those around the world who trust in Him for a right relationship with God. They are made alive by the Holy Spirit living in them. The mission of the Church is to love God, to love other people and to make disciples throughout the earth.