Young Adults
Join us Monday Nights 7:00-8:30 PM.
This group is intended for unmarried or married 18-30 year-olds, and includes college students. Join us for worship, a discussion time of the past week's sermon, food and fellowship.
This group is led by Cassia Gilbert, Leslie Browne, and Keli Hubert.
Join our Young Adults GroupMe:
This group is intended for unmarried or married 18-30 year-olds, and includes college students. Join us for worship, a discussion time of the past week's sermon, food and fellowship.
This group is led by Cassia Gilbert, Leslie Browne, and Keli Hubert.
Join our Young Adults GroupMe:
If you are a college student looking for a ride to the Monday Night Group.
Rides leave the back of the Hopkin's Center (semi-circle covered driveway at the back of the Hop) ten minutes before the meeting begins at 6:50 PM.
Join the Groupme app for up-to-date messages.
Join the Groupme app for up-to-date messages.

Join the Wellspring GroupMe!

Get to know Cassia Gilbert, Music Director and Ministry Assistant
Cassia grew up attending Wellspring with her family. In 2020, she graduated from Liberty University with a bachelor’s degree in music. She has a passion to use music in ministry and to see people experience freedom through encountering Jesus. She is the music director at Wellspring, and assists with the Young Adult ministry, and technical team. Apart from all things pertaining to ministry, she enjoys working out, finding a sunny spot to hang her hammock, and having meaningful conversations with friends over bubble tea.
Let's get together.
If you would like to schedule a one-on-one mentoring time with a campus minister, sign up here.
Or click on:
Mentoring Appointment
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